You Must Learn VIM to Be a Real Software Developer

Senior Brogrammer
3 min readSep 13, 2022

If you don’t know VIM then you can’t write code on-prem

(Parody of You Don’t Need to Learn VIM by Devin Soni)

Just like the Amish who stopped using modern technology after the 1900’s, code editors peaked in the 1990’s new ones should have never been made. These youngins don’t know about real software development, with fancy IDE’s that autofill, buttons to run code and plugins. Back in my day, we had the man page and a command line. Nothing was wrong with it back then, so why are we suddenly changing now? Learn VIM otherwise your just a lazy developer.

But Vim is Hard!?

Cut that crap right now. Driving stick is hard, but that’s just real driving. VIM is a real editor that has all the features necessary to write code. If you want to be respected amongst the elite, then pull yourself up by the bootstraps and learn VIM. Several benefits will come out of it such as faster pace of writing code, easier visualization of files, and knowledge of keyboard shortcuts to make you look really smart in meetings.

Now some might argue that auto fill is a nice feature. However, you should just memorize the libraries and syntax of languages you use. Part of the developer code is to know everything otherwise what’s the point. Do you think…

