Thoughts on Hitting the 1500 Followers Milestone as a Tech Blogger

Former top writer in humor and one blog that absolutely popped off, was it worth it?

Senior Brogrammer
4 min readMar 28, 2023
Fucking magnets, how do they work?

I never thought I’d do any form of writing besides documentation at work due to my hatred of Springboard and English class in high school. I perceived writing as a chore rather than a form of expression. Now, I am stuck with a tech blog and zero clue how things going forward will turn out.

Anyways, no need to cry over spilled milk, let’s talk about what I learned.


I’ve never written for followers, but have always wanted to discuss popular/common topics from a different perspective which is heavily absent from Medium. The current meta for gaining followers would be to write about all the cool things to do with ChatGPT. I know I’ve personally tried to force ChatGPT into stating controversial opinions for a blog, but the safeguards beat me out and it’s over done.

Jokes aside, the tech scene alongside corporate is popping off constantly and lacking honest writers to cover it.

See, Medium is viewed as this extremely leftist platform to discuss gender neutral bathrooms and destroy masculinity. The reality is most of the garbage content you’d find elsewhere loaded…

