The Lost Lesson Of Mr. Beast Philanthropy

Seriously, when will people realize you can’t be ultra-rich without ultra-scumbaggery?

Senior Brogrammer
3 min readAug 8, 2024

I got a ton of flack for this opinion a while ago. A simple opinion that rich people are giving to charity is fucking bullshit. No good comes from Bezos starting a massive charity to avoid paying more in taxes and building off the backs of (what I believe) overworked and underpaid Amazon employees. Thankfully those piss jugs are a myth.

And now these morons online are coming to the realization Mr. Beast is the same scumbag.


In other news, let’s chat about this case because it lacks a celebrity element, which is missing from Bill Gates and his late friend Jeffery Epstein.

First, I want to thank DogPack404 for “rocking the boat” and creating videos criticizing Mr Beast. The video reception is why you must stand up against bad-faith actors. Sitting aside doesn’t help.

Unfortunately, a lot of these asshats end up signing paychecks so you can avoid being homeless and sucking dick for fentanyl. Corporations run the world, and criticism can lead to your family starving because you decided to have an opinion. At the same time, the CEO can bark political views in public…

