Stop Listening to Tech Influencers About Avoiding Layoffs

The fate of your employment isn’t controlled by you

Senior Brogrammer
3 min readMar 31, 2023
Ya shit meme I know

No end in sight for layoffs, but for those who fortunately have a job, what do you do? Psychotically throw away any semblance of a work/life balance to ensure job safety. Who cares if you’re on the AI corporate posturing ethics team. You need to prove you’re worth and beat the algorithm they use to fire people.

Wait, isn’t this all a bit silly?


I watched a fair amount of videos from tech influencers ranging from technical advice, comedic skits, and general vlogging. However, once the layoffs started, some took pretty typical psychotic stances.

Huge company lays off 20% of staff?

You see, on the business side of things, shareholders are hoarding money for yachts and executives by law are required to blah blah blah

By the way rich people retained most of their wealth during the Great Depression and didn’t suffer unemployment, shit’s been a problem since the late 20s. But please, I’d love to hear about our job creators while you lick the boot of the corporate overlords throwing you a bone. Don’t forget to smile for the camera they watch you on.

