LinkedIn Content is Trash

Senior Brogrammer
5 min readNov 22, 2022

Yet another LinkedIn article trashing on the platforms content

Top 5 Post

What a great idea LinkedIn is, ability for employers to connect with employees on a professional networking site. Removes the need to cold call/email candidates about opportunities. Finally, users can share information about about themselves, events and etc. What could be wrong with that kind of content? Unfortunately, alot.

I’m going to break down the content in my feed that makes me question who I follow.

  • Company rally parties
  • cORporaTe CuLTure
  • Generic copy and paste motivation
  • Praise for a company that just canned the poster


The more I look at this image, the more questions I have

Company Rally Parties

Walmart didn’t invent this, but they sure over do it the most. Now, I understand why people are doing this, they don’t want to get fired. However, at what point do you sit around and realize nobody else wants to be here. Maybe people are fine with it and I’m just lunatic, but let’s dive into my psychotic beliefs then.

