Is The Market Still Bad?

For the company, it never was that bad. For Timmy, the new grad job hunting, it’s Jover.

Senior Brogrammer
2 min readDec 14, 2023

By all indicators, the economy seems to be up and up. Unemployment numbers are going down, GDP is up, the few stocks I care about are up, and therefore, life is good. However, many tech workers still have difficulty landing a role, especially at the entry level. Most people like myself haven’t received a raise while witnessing layoffs at their current firm. As prices rise due to corporate shenanigans, the value of a salary has decreased. Granted, this is a problem spreading to types of work.

So, why are lines on a graph good, but individuals see the current tech market in the US as bad? The TLDR system sucks, but it’s fun to discuss.

At a glance, you could argue things are in a good place. Unemployment is at an all-time low, and US GDP is growing faster than in previous quarters. Better yet, look at those revenue numbers, baby. Revenue is the only valid metric because it means the company grows fast. Who cares how the money is spent as long as it’s spent? We don’t do boom and bust cycles to fear the bust.

It’s time to pop the PBR and celebrate.

However, the people feel things are bad. If they were rich, maybe they wouldn’t whine as much.

