“I Wrote a Script in Python”

My general advice to anyone starting on something programming-related

Senior Brogrammer
2 min readNov 27, 2023

Alright, everyone and their mother has written a script in Python to do something. Whether it was ripped from the web or done with ChatGPT, I’ve seen a lot of script kiddies popping up. However, the dialogue stops for most people right then and there.

That’s a tragedy.

Script Kiddy -> Hobbyist

I’m not advocating for anyone to sacrifice their life to become a software engineer because I shitpost on this weird neo-lib site full of rich weirdos. I’m sorry, but the Obama blogs suck and pander way too hard for anyone to take them to heart.

All right, I’m going too hard and way off track.

Writing scripts is a great way to get started on anything. Consider writing a script as creating a proof of concept. See if it’s possible to do a thing before investing in it. That’s what a lot of engineering is before trying to corporatize it.

Don’t let the train stop. See if you’re willing to proceed with the script presented. Write down a list of things that would be nice to expand on. What parts of the script need to be changed to make life easier?

