How to be an Asshole on Stack Overflow

Senior Brogrammer
4 min readJul 10, 2022

Definitive guide on gatekeeping software development

I go here to own the noob Python devs

I hate when new developers attempt to ask questions on Stack Overflow, especially when I had to suffer to obtain the same knowledge. Thankfully new users ask questions that I can tear apart within seconds and mock them for not being a superior individual like myself. In this guide I’ll show you how to own noob developers and make an ass out of yourself on Stack Overflow.

Did you try reading/googling this?

I love doing this on the site as so many stupid people don’t bother reading the man page or using Google to find a specific user. If you shit on users right off the bat by mocking them for not finding answers for themselves like I would as a superior developer, then how will they suffer or better quit?

Now since this is a guide let me give you how a normal human interaction would go in the comment section.

Q: How do I split a string based on the '|' symbol in Python?
A: Hey welcome to the community, here's a piece of documentation that you will find helpful to solve this issue:
I'd highly suggest reading it and understanding how a user passes in parameters to the split function.

