DeepFake Porn Controversy

Senior Brogrammer
3 min readFeb 2, 2023

Twitch is a never ending cycle of drama, that keeps on feeding

I don’t write about every piece of Twitch controversy otherwise I’d have a full time job in writing.

Remember when I bitched about AI being abused and something needs to be done? No? Fuck, one day I’ll be famous. Anyways, the rest of the “get up at 4am writers” on cult can suck a fat one and get on board the AI hate train instead of promoting the fuck out of shitty e-courses. Harsh? Good.

Names attached to stories seem to make them popular, but AI generated deepfakes have been a problem brewing for a long time. With several advancements in AI the last few years, we’re going to see bigger problems arise. What happens when it becomes near impossible to distinguish real and fake? As an American, I can guarantee your ass we’re no where fucking near ready.

What Happened?

Anyways, a popular Twitch streamer named Atrioc was caught with a window opened to a deepfake porn site of several Twitch streamers, some who he’s close friends or associated with. Actually crazy someone caught this because I wouldn’t have thought twice about a bunch of tabs being brought up for a split second. Anyways, rightfully everyone called his ass out on it and the story blew up overnight. Atrioc moving forward will work to…

